Sunday, November 16, 2008

Weekend at Camp WAMAVA

We spent Halloween weekend at Camp WAMAVA, it was a weekend packed with fun!
Here are some of the girls just hangin' out...

There was the very important coffee prep...just can't be a successful weekend without coffee (at least in Jerry's book).

We had a Halloween parade...

complete with Hannah Montana...

...Chicken Little
...a closer shot...

...The President's Daughter with Secret Service...
...a pirate and Cowboy Joe with his horse Rusty...

...couldn't be complete without some Star Wars going on...
Some of us gave out candy and ...

...some of us ate candy...

We spent time visiting...

...there was some cooking...

...and more cooking...
...lots of help cooking...

Someone had to supervise...

We sang together...

We played together...

...lots of different games.

Jerry taught a class about as a group we wrote a letter of encouragement to a couple who has meant a great deal to us all...Sue and Jeff...

...we shared our part of the letter...

...and everyone signed it.

Michael taught a class about our vision...both classes were great!
We spent lots of time with very special people...

Some folks got a "new look"...

We visited with friends (LaAnna and Rachel)

there was some boating...

and some beautiful scenery...

There were some walks...

There was some pumpkin carving...

there was some more food prep...

and lots of eating....

There was some talent that was shared...

Charles sang for us too!

Mostly there was alot of caring, sharing and loving one another and that is what made it such a very special weekend.

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