Saturday, July 12, 2008

Jessica has a birthday!!

So, on the 10th of July Ms. Jessica turned 30!! For those of you who don't know, Jessica works with me in my office. Her husband was TDY to Texas, so there was no way we could let Ms. Jess spend that milestone alone. So, after work she, Bryce and Addison made the trek to our house. Jerry cooked burgers and dogs on the grill and we had a birthday celebration complete with cake.

Bryce helped his mom blow out the candles.

There was a little Wii playing!

The birthday girl and Addison

Dave joined us for the eating part. He was in the middle of moving to Texas and really needed some nourishment!! Again, Happy Birthday to Ms. Jessica!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks again you guys!!! Bryce, Addison, and I had a wonderful time. We are very blessed and fortunate to have thoughtful friends!!